Please read the following passage, then type your full name, which constitutes your online signature, to indicate your agreement with it.
You must arrive on time for appointments and may be required to pay the full fee for any appointment shortened by your late arrival.
You must give at least 6 hours' notice to cancel an appointment. Unless there are extenuating circumstances (to be determined by Michael), you may be required to pay in full for any appointment cancelled without sufficient notice.
Each session must be paid for in full no later than at the time of your appointment. If you pay by check and your check is returned unpaid by your bank, Michael will assess a $15 processing fee and may require different means of payment in the future.
The bodywork component of Michael's program may assist your body in its self-healing process, but it is intended to complement medical care, not substitute for it. Some conditions may require intervention from a medical doctor or other health professional. You must inform Michael of any relevant changes in your medical status, including episodes of pain or discomfort, that arise while enrolled in his program.
Type your full name here
Thank you for submitting your health questionnaire!
I’ll be in touch soon…usually within a couple of days.
Michael Hanko, FreeBody FreeVoice