Which component(s) of my program are you are interested in? (Check all that apply.)
I would like Michael to custom-design a program for me (cost varies)
Singer Intensive: Fine-tune Your Instrument $295
Singer Intensive: Technique Analysis & Tune-up $295
Singer Intensive: Vocal Resonance and Power $295
Singer Intensive: Breathing for Singers $295
Singer Intensive: The Singer’s Mind $295
Singer Intensives: Complete Course of Five $1299 (save $176)
Virtuoso Academy DeepTrack $1200
Virtuoso Academy FastTrack $400
Virtuoso Academy Custom Track (cost varies)
Outline your reason(s) for enrolling in FreeBody FreeVoice.*
May I add you to my mailing list? (You may opt out at any time.)
My newsletters keep you plugged in with stories about my students, educational tips, and info about upcoming classes and workshops.
Yes, I want to receive emails approximately monthly.
No, thank you.
First Name
Last Name
Primary phone (mobile number if you have one)*
Other Phone
Principal hobbies
Someone to call in case of emergency
Please enter their first and last name, their phone number & relationship to you.
How did you hear about me?
From someone you know (please tell me who in the box below)
From a web search (please list the search engine and what you searched on)
From Google Maps
From a link on another website (please identify the website)
Other (please explain)
Explanation of your choice above
Voice part (if known) e.g. Soprano, Belter, Bass-Baritone, Rock Tenor
Style(s) of singing you do
Vocal Improv
Circle Singing
Group a cappella singing
Musical Theater/Cabaret
Describe any performing you are currently engaged in
Include anything from singing in the shower to church choir to professional engagements.
Are there any particular vocal issues you'd like to work on?
Your response may include singing issues (expand range, learn to sing quietly in high range, fix wobble), performance issues (stage fright, shallow breathing), and physical issues (jaw tension, back pain, nodes).
Can you read music?
A little
List any instruments you can play
What's your preferred platform?
Type the requested contact info in the space below
Phone call (type phone number below)
Skype (type Skype ID below and send me a Skype contact request to artofsinging)
Zoom (I'll email you a link to my Zoom online meeting room)
FaceTime (type phone number below)
Contact information for complimentary consultation:
Indicate your scheduling preference(s)
I will do my best to find a slot that suits you. I prefer M-F but will consider a weekend slot if there is no other option.
In order that I can ensure your comfort while you are in my studio, please check the appropriate box(es) to let me know if you have sensitivities to these potential allergens:
Essential oils (I sometimes use organic peppermint, lavender, and other oils to delicately scent my teaching room.)
Other environmental allergens (please explain in the next section)
None of the above
Let me know of any other special needs/requests/preferred pronouns you would like to share.
You may use this space to tell me anything else you'd like to share.
Type your full name here
Relationship to the person registering