Welcome, Classical Singer readers!


I'm very pleased to announce that Classical Singer magazine has published an article I wrote in their August 2010 issue, which is now on sale.  (Non-subscribers can read this article on my blog — it's called "Beyond Posture: the Alexander Technique for Singers."

If you're coming to this blog for the first time after reading about it in the magazine, I'd like to specially welcome you and thank you for visiting.  I'm hoping you'll browse through past posts for topics of interest to you. . .and that you'll leave comments about your own experience as a singer or as a teacher.

You are also welcome to write with questions or topics you'd like me to cover in future posts.  You may leave these as comments to this or any other post or email them to me at michaelhanko.nyc@gmail.com

May you feel a part of a community here — a community of singers and teachers and others interested in perfecting our craft, exploring the mind-body connection, and supporting each other.

All the best,

Michael Hanko